It all begins with 3 paddles at 9 a.m. : your choice of a bay crossing (Dave Dawson), shoreline expedition (Noel Yong) or a creek cruise (Cie Stroud). Turn in here for the launch spot https://maps.app.goo.gl/Pu6QoxvEgBoRRBro9?g_st=ic
New JSSKA members, we’d love to get to know you and Old members, it’s time for a reunion!
Picnic in the pavilion in the park begins at noon. Sign up to bring supplies or your speciality. https://www.signupgenius.com/…/20F0A4CACAD2EA1F49…
JSSKA provides the hot dogs, hamburgers, cheese, rolls, soda, and water.
We did get a BYO alcohol license. No glass containers allowed.