The annual picnic will once again at Berkeley Island Park.
FYI, the park has flush toilets here: https://goo.gl/maps/9SmZF23pZMU2kXW87
The Kayak Games begin at 8:45 a.m. See the below for the launch site near the park and details on the games. Please bring a long tow.
The party starts at 11 a.m. Lunch begins at noon.
The lunch pavilion is here;
As usual, the club will supply the basics, Burgers and dogs, Veggie burgers, water in the 5-gallon cooler and pitchers, soda in cans.
Here’s a potluck sign up sheet:
Please bring your own utensils, plates and cups or reusable water bottles. We are a non-single use plastic club!
Let the countdown begin!Â
Kayak Games
Sunday’s picnic will not include the usual game-time, weather- and traffic-dependent paddles with reluctant leaders but rather the first ever Kayak Games, with teams of paddlers competing on the water right off the beach.
Turn here https://goo.gl/maps/H3C7DXpbSKCCGu93A for the kayak parking lot and launch, and be ready to paddle at 8:45 a.m. Before putting in, we’ll divide into teams by counting off. In each team, there should be an even number of paddlers a minimum of 4. We will even out the teams.
There will be a number of games, each requiring teamwork and paddling skills, and awarded points. (*Please, everyone bring a long tow*). We’ll keep playing games until we’ve exhausted the list or it’s time for lunch, whichever comes first. The team with the most points wins a group photo posted on the JSSKA Facebook page and any ensuing social media fame.
*The nearest capable paddler is responsible to rescue a paddler who falls in, regardless of whether they are on your team.*
Many thanks to Tom, Marta and some members of the LVKCC club for their help in devising these games.
5 – 1st
3 – 2nd
1 – 3rd
1. Long tow relay. Within the team, form pairs of kayakers. One pair at a time, paddler A long tows paddler B from the start buoy to the finish one, then packs the line (it won’t be that far. Just enough to make it annoying). Then paddler B tows paddler A from the finish buoy to the start one, then packs the line. Then the next pair does the same, and so on. The line must always be packed before the next long tow can start, and the last tower must also pack the line. Start practicing rapid deployment and packing the line as you sit there watching Netflix.
2. Fill the bucket. One paddler stays at the finish buoy with a bucket. The other paddlers take turns paddling from the start buoy with a full party cup of water out to the finish buoy, pouring the water from the cup into the bucket, and returning to the start to pass the party cup to the next paddler, and so on, until the bucket (no, not a 5-gallon Home Depot bucket) is full. If the bucket is slightly or fully spilled, too bad for your team. However, if the beer cup is slightly spilled, the paddler has to decide whether to go forward with a partial cup of water or return to the start buoy to refill the cup. And, if the cup is fully spilled, the paddler has to return to the start to refill the cup.
3. Blind obstacle race. Within the team, form pairs of kayakers. Within the pair, one kayak will paddle in front of the other. The paddler in front keeps his or her eyes closed. Marta said, “No blindfolds, but no cheating!” The paddler in back gives the paddler in front instructions in order to paddle a figure 8 around the start and finish buoys.
4. Hot potato. All paddlers in the group line up, side-by-side, between the start and finish buoys, and use only draw strokes (sculling and/or in-water) to pass an inflatable paddle float from the first paddler to the last and across the finish line.
5. Chinese whispers. All paddlers in the group spread out in a line, facing the same direction. Paddler A is given detailed navigation instructions to pass to paddler B. Paddler A paddles up to paddler B and shares the message. Then paddler B paddles up to paddler C and shares the same message, and so on, until the last paddler. At the end, the group with the message closest to the original message wins.
Get your game ready!